Information Last Updated: 8/2/2023
Part C Pre-Authorizations, Organization Determinations, and Reconsiderations (Appeals)
As a Brand New Day member you can request a self-referral (pre-authorization) to see
a specialist or receive medical services and items. Typically, your provider will do
this for you.
When you or your provider send a pre-authorization, Brand New Day reviews and makes
an organization determination. An organization determination is the first decision
Brand New Day makes about covering a medical service or item you’ve requested.
If the pre-authorization is a, we will notify you of a decision within 14 calendar days (72 hours for Standard
Part B Drug requests).
There are times where you or your provider may submit an expedited pre-authorization
for a fast organization decision. An expedited pre-authorization qualifies for a
fast decision if we determine that your life, health, or ability to regain maximum
function may be seriously jeopardized by waiting for a standard request.
If the pre-authorization is an expedited request, we will notify you of a
decision within 72 hours (24 hours for Expedited Part B Drug requests).
Where do I send my pre-authorization and/or request for an organization determination?
Please see below how you or your provider can submit a pre-authorization for an organization determination on medical services and items.
Download Forms
If you don’t have a PDF reader installed, click on the link to download the latest version:
Brand New Day Member Services Department contact information
1-866-255-4795 TTY: 711
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
October 1 - March 31:
Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Brand New Day
Attn: Utilization Management
PO Box 93122
Long Beach, CA 90809
Appeals (Reconsiderations)
If you don’t agree with our decision on your denied pre-authorization,
you have the right to file an Appeal. For more information on how to
file an appeal please visit the How to File an Appeal
site page under Members.