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Plan Types Explained

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Three Plan Types

To make sure each of our members has access to the level of care they need, Brand New Day offers three types of plans: HMO, C-SNP, and D-SNP.


HMO stands for health maintenance organization, and an HMO plan is a Medicare Part C, or Medicare Advantage plan. In an HMO, you receive covered services from a specific network of doctors, other healthcare providers, and hospitals.

You choose your primary care provider (PCP) from your HMO’s network. Your PCP may also belong to a network called an independent practice association, or IPA. When you select a PCP, you also belong to that doctor’s IPA. When you need care from a specialist, your PCP will refer you to a provider within your assigned IPA’s network.

Brand New Day’s HMO plans do not cover care from providers who are out of network, except for emergency care and urgent care.


‍An SNP is a Special Needs Plan. SNPs are Medicare Advantage coordinated care plans (CCPs) designed specifically for people who need targeted care. Brand New Day offers two types of SNPs:


Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs) are Medicare Advantage plans for individuals who need ongoing care to manage a chronic condition. Our C-SNPs are designed to provide comprehensive benefits for individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes, chronic heart failure (CHF), or cardiovascular disorders (limited to cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, and chronic venous thromboembolic disorder).


Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) are Medicare Advantage plans designed specifically for individuals who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (Medi-Cal). D-SNPs combine coverage and coordinate members’ benefits from both Medicare and state Medicaid to make them easier to access.  

Explore our comprehensive and affordable plans today.

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