Information Last Updated: 10/01/2023
Ready to enroll? Need more information?
We make it easy to enroll with Brand New Day! There are several ways to go about
it, all based on your preference. If you need help or have questions at any time,
we’re here to help you every step of the way.
enroll using one of these alternatives:
Medicare Website
You can enroll in Brand New Day through the CMS Medicare Enrollment Center
Medicare.govMail or Fax
Fill out our form and send in by mail or fax.
Enrollment FormMailing Address:
Brand New Day
Attn: Enrollment Department
P.O. Box 93122
Long Beach, CA 90806
Phone Center
Speak with our professional in-house agents.
October 1 - March 31:
Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
All other dates:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Call: 1-866-443-6721
TTY: 711

Speak with a Licensed Insurance Agent
Get assistance with a licensed Insurance Agent and discover which plan is best for you. Call us today.
Call: 1-866-255-4795 x 2018 TTY: 711